Yoga Classes cancelled until further notice.
Gentle Flowing Restorative Yoga Class @
468 Cumberland Ave. Hamilton ~ No Class until further notice ~ Cash or E-transfer to [email protected]
All students welcome - young and young at heart. We invite you to join in our practice to help bring health and well-being into your life.
Studio Etiquette
Please bring towel to cover your yoga props. NO PERFUMES OR COLOGNES. THANK YOU! |
Yoga classes are instructed to teach each student to practice to their full potential physically, mentally and spiritually, with emphasis on alignment for health of the body and mind.
New to yoga? Margaret's yoga classes are to help all students to access a yoga practice. With regular practice you will begin to see a dramatic improvement in mobility, stamina and wellbeing. “Prolonged yoga in time leads the student to a sense of peace and feeling of being at one with his or her environment” - BKS Iyengar What are the benefits? Better overall health can be experienced when practiced with care and commitment. A student quote: “The stress in my life hasn't changed but I am more relaxed and better able to respond to it, plus maintain a sense of calm". Margaret has extensive training in Osteopathy and Yoga. She imparts these valuable skills to her students. |